Closed for the Season

See you again in May 2025!

Donation Requests
A healthy community is a strong community, and we are proud to be a part of your community. We are proud each summer to work closely with area food banks to donate large amounts of fresh, nutritious produce to our neighbors in need. These donations make up our primary charitable support to our community.
We know the needs and opportunities in our area are not limited to just feeding those in need, and we welcome community requests for donations. To help our giving have the most impact, we have included our guidelines below. We have two types of requests: produce donations and sunflower passes/corn maze passes. Please carefully read the guidelines for your requested type.
Guidelines for All Donations
Requests must be made for a 501 (c)(3) organization with proof of status or a school.
Requests are reviewed on the 15th of each month and must be submitted at least 30 days prior to the event.
We do not provide cash donations, ads, t-shirt sponsorships, or any other non-Skelly product donations. We typically do not donate things we do not grow ourselves (this includes apples).
We prefer that donations will benefit the group financially or provide a learning component. We do not donate items solely for decorating.
Please limit requests to one request per organization per year. Individual classrooms are not eligible, but requests may be made by the school.
Keep in mind that while we evaluate each donation independently, due to the large number of requests most donations carry no more than a $25-50 value. Unfortunately, not all requests can be fulfilled, and decisions will be left to the discretion of Skelly’s Farm Market. Past support of an organization or event does not guarantee future support.
If you are a 501 (c) (3) organization but do not meet the above guidelines or if we are unable to provide a donation, you may be eligible to receive discounts or special quantity pricing on tickets by contacting our donation coordinator in advance.
Produce Donations
Requests for donations must be for events held during the times when we are open to the public.
Upon notification of approval, all donation pickups must be scheduled in advance of pick up and must occur on a weekday during regular farm hours.
Donations WILL NOT be delivered. Failure to pick up or claim a donation will eliminate future donation considerations.
Skelly’s Sunflower Experience or Corn Maze Pass Donations
4 pack of Sunflower Experience or corn maze passes may be requested for auctions or raffles, but not as door prizes. They must benefit the organization financially.
If approved, passes will be mailed to the address on your form.
If your request meets the guidelines above, fill out our form and mail us the final copy.